Get It! is a very versatile learning tool that students of all ages and abilities can access in a fun and engaging way.
A Primary teacher in Melbourne’s East
I’m doing maths and its fun.
Surprised year 9 student
Get It! is a very impressive card game given it’s simplicity and accessibility to a wide range of ages and abilities. It can be easily used in a structured educational environment to support and enhance numeracy aspects of learning. Interest and engagement is always maintained, as the game allows for quick turnover and can be played on different levels. Highly recommended as a teaching resource.
STEM co-ordinator Private school, Melbourne's North
The principal and students of a school in Melbourne’s West rated the game over 4/5 in all categories including the level of engagement of students and the efficacy of the game in addressing learning goals.
My two 8 year old grandsons played “GET IT” between themselves for over an hour and they were totally engrossed.
I want to buy this game now.
Science graduate from Melbourne University